Comments on: The Story Mon, 01 May 2017 22:34:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: HURU HEROES | Huru Thu, 14 Jul 2011 19:20:42 +0000 […] Anne Okelo, who grew up in the small village of Angiro, Kenya, is one of Huru’s heroes.  From a young age, Anne had a keen sense of justice.  Most girls in Angiro marry at age fourteen, usually to a man with many wives, and many contract HIV/AIDS.  Anne refused to marry so young, and decided instead to make her education her number one priority.  She earned her master’s degree in May 2010, and since then, she’s been fighting to change conditions for other girls in her village.  She raised $35,000 to install solar-powered fresh water well in Angira, reducing the number of deaths from cholera.  In 2011, Anne met documentary filmmaker Cindy Speaker, who decided to make her the subject of the movie Well of Dreams. […]
